It's been a rough start for Michael, Tony, Paul, and Arcadio, the four aspiring writers who left their lives behind to move to New York City in the hopes of making their literary dreams into reality.
The whole story started on the internet. Tony ran a semi-successful hub for virtual web series and after discovering that he wasn't the only one who envisioned actually making a living on his writing someday, he spearheaded a mass exodus to New York. His and Arcadio's flight from England to New York was just about the only thing that went according to plan.
Upon their arrival, Tony and Arc were shocked and dismayed to learn that Michael had invited Paul Robinson, another member of their web community into the fold as a fourth roommate. Despite reservations about Paul's presence due to his unlikeable demeanor from the internet, the four boys came to be friends. However, the entire reason for being in New York, a series codenamed 'Project X' that they planned to complete and shop around the industry, was soon put on the backburner due to real life commitments. Michael became the de facto breadwinner of the house due to the others' jobs paying much less than his. His nonstop work eventually burned his body out and eventually landed him in the hospital. However, while Michael was putting his knuckle to the grindstone just to make a buck and get by, the other three were distracted by a more attractive vice. Romance. Tony and Paul both found themselves in ill fated, short term relationships with co-workers while Arcadio bounced between several wome until landing a girl that seemed to be his counterpart, which would've been all good and well had he not already gotten another girl pregnant.
All the while, Project X remains virtually untouched. It's been a few months since Michael's brief stay in the hospital and the news of Arcadio's impending newborn and not much has changed. Michael has a new restaurant job while Tony has acquired a position at a trashy newspaper.
And this is where we pick up their story.
It was a rough few months for Ohio born, Georgia raised jack-of-all-trades Michael Jay. After being convinced by his online buddy Tony Black to pack up his entire life and move to New York City, MJ quickly settled into his familiar routine of trying to do too much. Juggling a sparse personal life, a hobby as an amateur prize fighter, college studies, bartending, and finding time to work on his writing, a burn out was inevitable. Michael turned to a steady diet of energy drinks and a few more, let's say illegal substances to keep his body going, but he finally gave out and ended up in the hospital. He's currently doing counseling to do with his various issues.
To say things didn't go according to Tony Black's grandoise plan would be a massive understatement. Tony's always been a bit of a dreamer, often times setting goals that tend to be a bit more difficult to reach than he thinks. When his delusions of grandeur crash landed back in reality, Tony attempted to return back to his native England and was talked out of his by his newfound roommates and friends. He's recently just started a new position at a newspaper and maintains hope that working these low level writing assignments will some day pay off.
Being raised in a very strict religious household is one thing, but it's worse when you're masking the truth about your homosexuality. So moving to New York in many ways was the best thing to happen to Paul Robinson, despite suffering through a rushed relationship with a co-worker. The freedom to be his free spirited self and not have to worry about how those around him would judge him allowed Paul to come out of his shell. He's easily the most lighthearted and carefree of the gang and his unwavering loyalty and friendship, whether the others wanted it or not, helped to keep everyone's spirits up when there was really no reason to stay upbeat
Beneath the lay-about, blase, womanizing exterior of Arcadio Reyes lies a boy who is just now starting to take steps towards being his own man. Arcadio tends to play his cards close to his heart and has yet to tell his fellow roommates that part of the reason he moved to New York with the rest of them was to try to locate his birth father. Along the way, he managed to find himself in a steady relationship and even has a baby on the way. The only problem is the baby and the relationship are with two different women.
Native Aussie Amy Rees had never left her hometown of Perth until she decided to spend some time doing a work study in New York while pursuing of her many (many many many) collegiate degrees. She took a substitute teaching position at Paul's high school when Rich Gentile, Paul's first romantic interest from season one, moved away from New York following their rather ugly break up. She's adjusted to New York City life rather well despite her strict upbringing as a member of the Church of Jesus... ah, screw it, she's a Mormon.